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Book-keeping according to RAS

The book-keeping in Russia must be performed both by domestic and foreign companies operating in this country in compliance with the respective legislative regulations in force, in particular, with the acknowledged Russian Accounting Standards (RAS). We provide administering and comprehensive support in accurate book-keeping and financing to our Russian and foreign clients and ensure conduction of their accounting in compliance with the applicable rules and standards.

Realized projects:

Within the framework of this Service «Aegis» provides:

  • Consulting on actual issues of arranging book-keeping and accounting by the company so that it complies with the Russian Accounting Standards (RAS); provision of practical support in organization of correct internal accounting process.
  • Book accounting and reporting services.
  • Tax accounting and reporting services.
  • Verification of the primary documentation.
  • Expert assessment and consulting on the current book and tax accounting of the company.
  • Financial expertise of the commercial and economic operations.
  • Arrangement of the in-house financial and tax accounting.
  • Analysis of the internal book-keeping methodology.
  • Recovery of the firm financial and tax accounting.
  • Filing tax returns and reporting tax accounts to the authorized tax agencies.

If you are interested in our services, you can get in touch with us per telephone number (495) 544-66-81 or forward us a request from the web-site using this form. We will respond as soon as possible.